Why a daybed is the second most important piece of furniture in a Vast life

Why a daybed is the second most important piece of furniture in a Vast life

The daybed is notorious for letting those you let into your home know that you’re casual cool. No matter what your life journey is, a daybed is an item that will make you wonder why you hadn’t owned one sooner & will leave you experimenting with other ways you can fit it into your life.
Why We Choose Mango Wood Reading Why a daybed is the second most important piece of furniture in a Vast life 6 minutes Next 12 Key Reasons we believe Vast Tables are the best

samson daybed


A daybed to me screams comfort, sexy & casual. I could tell you many stories about times I’ve had on daybeds but we’re trying to keep this blog as PG as possible, so to begin I will just summarise why I think that a daybed is the second most important piece of furniture. If you’re wondering what the most important piece of furniture is then you might have to wait a little while longer - we’ll reveal all in an upcoming post. Let me summarise for you why daybeds are the second most important piece of furniture No matter what your life journey is, a daybed is an item that will make you wonder why you hadn’t owned one sooner & will leave you experimenting with other ways you can fit it into your life. 

It lets people know that you have a casual side.

The daybed is notorious for letting those you let into your home know that you’re casual cool. There’s something about a daybed that automatically takes you back to lounging around outside, having a nap and enjoying a drink or two. Forget the bulky 9 piece outdoor dining setting, or the single outdoor chair, the daybed lets people know that you’re casual, like to relax & enjoy having a few people join you.  Another plus side for all you singles out there, it’s the perfect piece to maximise your chances of an intimacy upgrade! Why?... Cause you’re already in bed. It’s like the saying ‘’Netflix & chill’’ except it’s much more comfortable, not so desperate & a lot roomier. I’m a firm believer in the more cushions the better! Anyone who purchases a daybed by association means they would live by the rules of abundance. Comfort is king!

Kuranda daybed in white with navy coverset

It’s more versatile than you think.

How many of you have had unexpected guests stay overnight or your mother in law pop in for a few hours only to overstay her welcome by a few weeks? All good, because the daybed can act as an extra bed for your relatives or friends staying over. Just a hint - make sure to move it inside or at least provide lots of blankets & mozzie repellant.  Another reason why I think the daybed is the second most important piece of furniture is because it can literally transform before your eyes. My favourite transformation? Take two daybeds, a coffee table & a few friends & voila, you’ve got yourself the perfect setting for a casual dinner party. The daybed instantly transforms into a four seater dining booth for those laid back afternoon drinks & tapas dinner parties.  Last but not least, the daybed can also pretend to be an extra lounge inside when you have a guest overload indoors. If you’ve got the space, then there’s nothing easier than moving the daybed inside… Plus it looks a lot nicer than those plastic chairs you’re tempted to hire for the occasion. 

It’ll make you money (potentially).

Okay, I’m not making any concrete financial advice but I do have to mention that the daybed can potentially (keyword: potentially) make you a lot of money. Pop onto Airbnb, rent out a room & you could be on your way to making a few dollars, especially if you’re in a sought after location - think beachside mansion. When I first met my wife, she was backpacking through Brisbane & she needed a place to stay so she was billeted onto the daybed (just friends). Luckily I didn’t charge her! Another way of making money? Selling daybeds of course… When I first started Vast, I used to bring in large, totally enclosed, ornately carved ‘wedding beds’ from Madura, Indonesia. They were around 70 years old & I picked the indie versions & for those lucky customers that bought my earlier shipments, I’m pretty sure they’ve quadrupled in value! 

samson daybed - closeup

It’ll save you money. 

As easily as it can make you money, the trusty daybed can also SAVE you money. Think about it… Sunday morning, paper in hand & a freshly made smashed avo & coffee. As nice as it is to get out & spend the morning at a trendy cafe, it can also hurt the wallet. Don’t pay more to be at a cafe, just deck out your space with a daybed, play some nice Sunday Chill music & enjoy the morning for half the price. There’s also another way it can save you money. Have you ever needed to just get the hell out of the house? Did you need to escape from the kids, a partner or a flatmate? Don’t retreat to the pub or anywhere else you’re likely to spend money, just grab a bevvy from the fridge, head outside, close the doors & use the space as a safe place to simmer down from the red zone… Back into the green zone. All you need is the comfort of the daybed, a few moments to breathe & a nice cold drink in hand to calm down & enjoy the day ahead. Our effortlessly chic Samson daybed is the perfect option for this as its super comfy and extra roomy so you'll be sure to unwind!

A daybed is the second most important piece of furniture in my life & many others I know. We have a great range of Timber & Rattan daybeds that will leave you feeling the same. Not sure where to start or need a little more help? Get in touch